Elvis - Behind The Image - The Book - Vol. 1

It all started with an enormous change during the last few years on the Elvis fan market, which no fan could like:

No matter which product was released it became continuously more expensive and at the same time its content more unattractive - this didn't only concern collectors CD but especially the print media. In the starting times of these changes, you got as a fan a soft cover book for the high price of $ 40 with scarcely 80 unpublished black/white Elvis pictures.

Shortly after that the same author wanted for his latest photo book $79. Now, what had changed ? Surely the fan got new pictures, he mostly hadn't seen anywhere else before, but the actual news concerning this product was, which should justify the enormous price increase, the fact that in the last chapter there were 4 colour photos printed on single pages.

Eventually , the fan and collector was allowed to pay for a piece of the same author $ 135 . Therefor he got, again, a soft cover book, three DIN A4 glossy pictures, a certificate and a cardboard box in which he could keep the book afterwards.

The people of "Praytome Publishing" didn't like this development either, because they are fans and collectors themselves. Because they managed to not only to create a product in the DVD area the fans liked, but to establish a name in the Elvis world by raising the bar and setting new standards, the crew set itself a new target:

Publishing a book !

What reads so easily means a lot of work during the realization, and as you may surely all know: a book is not a book only because of its look Like during the DVD production, the producers sat together and defined important points, that should be absolutely taken care of during the realization and which make finally a book a real book:


The new book should be completely styled and not be like books usually are done with pictures stringed together, being printed on a whole page.


If possible exact data to the places should be given and the date the picture was taken, as well as authentic stories from the people who had been there during the events. Equally important to the producers is the background information in various shapes, you can find in newspaper articles or show reviews for example.


Photos which have lost colour intensity because of their age, should be reworked. We wanted to use every possible technical help to remove kinks, cracks or stains from the shots to give consideration to the historic shots.

Cost & Performance

Photos which have lost colour intensity because of their age, should be reworked. We wanted to use every possible technical help to remove kinks, cracks or stains from the shots to give consideration to the historic shots. Like on the DVDs, a new standard should be set. Great demands on paper and print quality should guarantee the fan not having a collection of lose pages in his hands when he wants to use this book as a reference book or if he just likes to look into it from time to time. And besides the information, which finally distinguishes a book, the fan should get an according equivalent value for his money.

After the first DVD the fans surely expected, from the book with the same title, a live book with shots from the "Fringe-Suit" show. Due to the producers having contact to the famous photo collector Russ Howe, whom they had called into the team since the DVD production, they also could fall back on a friend of many years of Elvis, Sandi Miller. So what was more standing to reason than to use their great candid pictures of their collections and personal memories for the book, by what the overall style of the book was constituted later on...

Some few of these photos were already released several years ago in illustrated books of the famous photographer Sean Shaver. A lot of fans supposed that it would also be about photos from his archive here. But Shaver never met or photographed Elvis in the 60s personally, not until the later tours of Elvis did Shaver see Elvis and take plenty of live photos.

Everybody knows the phenomenon; my favorite song, my favurite movie, my favorite photo. And that's exactly where Shaver applied in his illustrated books and chose his favorite image. But the fans on location at that time took of course more than only one photo, because how often did we experience that shots were shaken or you just pressed the actuator a second time just for safety reasons.

One of the fans, who have taken photos of Elvis repeatedly is Sandi Miller. Today she is able to tell stories just because of her photos, because - attached in a row -they are form a kind of short movie. So the producers are able to present the fans the complete sets. And while we found fictional stories to the pictures from Sean Shaver, you read here for the first time the real stories, how they took place in the moment the photo was taken. Especially Sandi Miller's diaries in connection with these photos make this book so intriguing.

The author Bud Glass managed outstandingly to put Sandi Miller's diaries sensitively together with these photos and shortly after the release the book had been given a new name : King of the candid books.

So Bud Glass had created with his first book a masterpiece, which is since its release very popular with the fans. You can read that on this website. Therefore please go left to the menu and click at the point "In the Press".

The producers are not only happy about the numerous "Thank you"- Emails but they are especially proud of having reached some changes on the Elvis-book market. Besides the fact of having created a product, which - after the DVD - the fans also like very much, they also achieved that the criticized development of the price/performance ratio has become better. So the American author being criticized in the beginning of this page, didn't only offer the fans a book with artwork and restored pictures, but he also sells it to now with an adequate price of $ 39,00.

The Book

The book corresponds the title of the homonymous DVD - but that's the only commonality you can find here. The producers choose the same title because the book follows the same aim as the DVD:

"Elvis - Behind The Image" - The aim is to show a side of Elvis that fans have never seen before.

The life of the artist who can show himself in private moments without being surrounded by press photographers. Time and place are not prescribed here: At home in Graceland, in his California houses, in the car or in the cinema.

Elvis - 100% private

The Content


Sandi Miller's diaries

The book "Elvis - Behind The Image offers the fan more than 400 photos on over 120 pages, whereas most shots are color. A special treat are the private journal entries of Sandi Miller together with her personal photos of Elvis and the interior views of many Elvis-houses in California. Actually Sand Miller was a Elvis fan but she became, like in every fan's dream, a good friend of Elvis. So she was a guest on many private parties, quite a few times at Elvis's home, on the set of Elvis' films and also at RCA Studios. She made at that time precise, private notes in a kind of diary about the many meetings with Elvis and has therefore numerous memories to offer, she has saved in her notes over the years.

Sandi kept a private journal of her numerous encounters with Elvis, and as a result has MANY volumes of her memories, so every detail is as fresh as the day it happened. This adds much more depth than the typical Elvis photo book, and compliments the photos very nicely.

Maybe you know some of the pictures, but the majority has never been published before. In that and in through the unique reports melting with the photos to a wonderful ensemble, is the especialness distinguishing this book from many others which publish often wrong dates or play back an event wrong.

Photos taken from the book "Elvis: Behind The Image" - Volume 1

The book shows Elvis from 1966 and ends 1975, but focuses the end of the 60's. Elvis is shown at the several movie shootings, Clambake, Stay Away Joe, Live A Little Love A Little, Charro, The Trouble With Girls and Change Of Habit and by the candids you can have a look behind the scenes. You see Elvis in extravagant private clothes visiting shows, meeting fans and especially his Hollywood years are dealt with dramatically.

The California-Homes: Perugia Way, Hillcrest, Monovale, Ladera Circle

"Graceland" and "Las Vegas" are recurrent words you bring in connection with Elvis directly but actually the star spend many years in the houses in Beverly Hills or Palm Springs. Ultimately this part of Elvis's life is dealt with detailed and a long existing black hole is erased. Although the main focus of the book is on Elvis, there are unique candids and moments showing Priscilla or both together.

Please also read the section "In the mirror of the press" how the world press nearly overturns with its reports and experience there in the reviews more details.

The Realization

For the producers to follow their aspect of price/preformance ratio at several points they decided for the only reasonable solution: setting on quality. Including first a hard cover format. That doesn't only give you the "right feeling" of really having a real book in your hands, but also protects the pages inside of eventual kinks. Another aspect is the bookbinding itself. To realize what constitutes bookbinding specific expert knowledge is necessary. Because you have to distinguish between the industrial binding and the more premium hand binding. Again the producers set a standard here and decided for the hand binding like it is used for world famous publications like the "World Book Encyclopedia" or the "Encyclopedia Brittanica" and for good reasons: the advantage of this procedure is that you can open the book flat.

With the industrial binding the book would still have a bow because of the production process which remains after a few times of reading and would make the book quickly look well-thumbed.
With the industrial binding the book would still have a bow because of the production process which remains after a few times of reading and would make the book quickly look well-thumbed. To get the best possible printing effect the producers chose a high quality paper, rendering the colors very well and keeping the sharpness of the photos.

For Elvis production it is uncommon to rework the photos but Praytome Publishing considered the time being worth to spend on erasing scratches and restoring faded colors during this "cleaning" process. The layout and design created by Bud Glass is kept in the style of the 60's and color-coordinated to the photos. Every page is joy looking at, reading and exploring. The reasonable compiled photos make a film run in your mind together with the text and that's what makes the book so unique.

The objective target, to offer the fans the most high quality book at the lowest possible price has been achieved being now able to offer you our hard cover book cheaper than comparable products offered by other book producers, which are sold for 50-70 Dollars. Retail price 39 € plus individual shipping and packing costs (depending on your residence) For orders please use our website.

General Information on Trailers

In general fans collect (and Elvis fans are no exception) every little piece of their star. That doesn't only concern print media. They also collect commercial trailers from the TV and even documentaries where their star is only mentioned. Unfortunately the biggest star has to live with the worst marketing.

And when the fan has the luck to get a clip on an Elvis production it is often cheap produced without love, what actually doesn't accord to the artist Elvis Presley. Here, the "Behind The Image Team" goes a different way. The trailer produced by them do not only advertise a product, but they were levied to an art form. They are unusual complex (q.v. the trailer of BTI 3 and the trailer of the book "Born To Rock") and show the love to the detail and the professionalism every product of "Bud Glass Productions" and Praytome Publishing has got. That's why the whole Elvis world is looking forward in advance to every new trailer giving an insight of the newest product.

Here we want to offer you the trailer to the according product you are interested in for download. Don't miss the trailers of our other releases. You find them on the left in the menu by clicking the desired product.

Please note that the according trailers are always clips in the so called web quality (for quicker downloading). So the quality does never show the quality of the DVD/book.

Of course you'll also find all available trailers in the bonus material section (on the medium DVD) in DVD quality.

A lot of costumers attested us in their numerous E-Mails and letters that the trailers are the best the existing in the Elvis world and some even said that only the trailers were worth the money for the DVD. Q.v. "In The Press"!

So now lean back and PUMP UP the volume of your speakers :-)

00:00  /  00:00

Making of "Elvis: Behind The Image - The Book - Vol. 1" - Trailer

This extraordinary trailer doesn't only mark the first trailer for a book ever, it is the first trailer for an Elvis Print Product. The viewer gets the chance to take a look over the shoulders of the producers during the process of printing the book. You get an inside view of the printing company that works for "Praytome Publishing" and you see which effort you need to release a premium product like this book. Enjoy a clip full of excitement, a clip that impresses not only with its pictures but also with the extravagant music.

Oh, you want more ? Just order online and in a few days you will have this Candid - reference book at home.

Print Media

World Wide Web

  • Online-Interview with Bud Glass on www.suite101.com
    Suite 101
    Online Interview with Bud Glass
    http://www.suite101.com/article …
    Publishing date: July 2003
    Behind The Image

    © 2003 www.suite101.com

  • Opinions by the Fans, taken from Emails the producers received
    Flaming Star Magazine No. 24
    Reviews and comments by fans (with permission to be published)

    Just received the 'Behind The Image' book, of which I had great expectations & told my friends that this would be real quality, It has actually surpassed my expectations, this is SUPERB !!!! so I just thought I'd drop you a quick note of congratulations to yourself & those involved in the bringing of these very important images to us. QUALITY IMAGES on QUALITY PAPER = QUALITY BOOK !! Considering some of the High priced Black &White books we have been subjected to over the last few years this is a breath of fresh air worth every penny.

    All the best

    Chris from England

    Just received stocks of Behind the Image - The Book and wanted to congratulate you and your team on an astounding piece of work. The careful way that it's been put together, the clever layout and the stunning photographs really will ensure that this book will always be amongst the best. I know that my customers will be as thrilled as I am with the amazing content, the nice price is a pleasant bonus too! Well done on a great product which allows everyone to see the true Elvis in his own surroundings, off-stage and enjoying himself with his fans. Amazing!

    Andrew from UK

    I got the dvd and the book at last. OooooH MY Gooooood, GREATS! I have never ever seen shining Elvis, like that. Thank you so much. I can not waiting till this fall for Vol.2. I'll also purchase absolutely next time.

    Thanks again, Best wishes

    Miyuki from Tokyo

    The quality of your new book is excellent. I like the way you displayed all the photos. Especially putting the ones from the same time period all together. Kind of like telling a story. I've never seen a color Elvis photo book that turned out so well. The color turned out great. I love the addition of the photos of all of his houses. Of course Sandi was so fortunate to have been able to get inside like that. I Love candids so much, and you put together photos from the best times in his life. On a scale of 1-10, it's an 11. I love it. Anyone knows that your name associated with a project is excellent quality. I'm looking forward in seeing the second dvd.

    Tanya from Texas

    I got my book in today and it's even better than I had expected. The pictures are just simply gorgeous and I love the stories. This is one of the best Elvis books out there!! It was well worth the wait and worth every single penny.

    Kathy I am delighted with the books - You have done a fantastic job!! Personally I consider it the best Elvis book I have ever seen, thanks largely to Sandi Miller's contribution, and I will be adding it to my own small (yes small) collection which I rarely do! Please keep me informed of future products and prices.

    Bud & Greg - Thank you!!!!!

    David from Australia

    I just wanted to let you know that I just received the book and dvd today a few minutes ago. Thank you so very much! What can I say except WOW! I am speechless. I haven't had the chance to watch the dvd yet but I plan to in a few minutes and I can't wait to watch it and read the book. The book looks absolutely amazing. You did such a fantastic job on it. This has to be the most beautiful book of Elvis I have ever seen when it comes to photos. The front cover is just beautiful and it catches your eye from the minute you see it. The photos inside are just incredible also. I can't wait to read what everyone wrote in it and to read all of the great stories that Sandi also shared with us in the book. I know I am thoroughly going enjoy both the book and the dvd and I am very proud to add this to my extensive collection of Elvis books that I own. You did a wonderful job Bud and you have something here to be very proud of. I can't wait to see volume 2. So A Big Congratulations Goes Out To You On A Job Well Done! I can't imagine the hard work and long hours you put into this beautiful book but I can see it was well worth it.


    I would like to say how very much I enjoyed the first DVD you did, and am looking forward to the 2nd [and any others that may follow] LOL. Fabulous work!!! I was lucky enough to be visiting in Vegas the day Sandi got her book, and I must say I was absolutely mesmerized by it. I CAN HARDLY WAIT to get mine.

    Again, it is my pleasure to talk to you and let you know directly how much I admire and respect your work. I have heard a great number of things about you from both Sandi and Bev, and it really is wonderful to see publications about Elvis and know they are done with so much respect and honesty.

    Those words were so easy to say because they come from the heart. I have been a die-hard Elvis fan since I was 10 years old and didn't know from anything. All I knew [at such a young time] was the feeling deep in my heart that he was someone very special. Little did I know. I have had many struggles throughout my life, beginning as a child and many throughout my adulthood. I certainly know I am not the only one but, the one thing that remained a constant in my life all those years was my love for Elvis and the soothing capabilities he had over me. There were times when I just wasn't sure I really wanted to go on but, somehow, listening to Elvis' music ALWAYS pulled me through. I developed a deep love for this man I always dreamed of having the honor of meeting; though was never blessed to do so. I only got to see him in concert 2 times, much to my dismay. But the music was always there. Having such a deep love for who he was and what he did, I have thirsted for any information I could come upon. Most of the time though, I discovered it was garbage; which was so disheartening.

    Therefore, when I am able to come across anything from people who are honest and represent Elvis truthfully, it is, Indeed, a welcome experience for me.

    Knowing of your integrity makes me a customer for life - and I will promote anything you endeavor because of that.


    " The Best candid book so far! Great story by Sandi Miller ! Great website! This Book was the first one were the fans can see an making of and praytome publishing did also a fantastic trailer of this book!(this is never done before! This books belongs to the DVD releases Elvis behind the Image Vol. 1+2. A MUST MUST have! "

    " This is one of the best Elvis books ever released - Don't miss this opportunity to add this fantastic book to your collection! Includes Memories From The Private Journal Entries Of Sandi Miller to go along with her personally taken photos of Elvis, as well as the inside of many of Elvis' homes in California. A Must Have Book!!!!! Elvis: Behind The Image (The Book) includes some of the images from the dvd, but mostly contain photos that were not included on the DVD plus ... Memories From The Private Journal Entries Of Sandi Miller to go along with her personally taken photos of Elvis, as well as the inside of many of Elvis' homes in California. source http://www.elvis.com.au/ "

    " Elvis Behind The Image is surely the best candid book ever ! You get interesting stories to the pictures and information, that is normally not given. The quality of the photos is outstanding, the print quality is just excellent. The pics are cleaned and not, as usual in other releases, dusty and dirty. This book is worth every cent and it's the cheapest you can get in that quality. The BTI team did a great job on this release, just as on their great DVDs Elvis Behind The Image Vol. 1 & 2 ! For the first time ever there was produced a breathtaking trailer for that book, that shows us its emergence. The book contains more than 400 color pics, most of them never published before. For the first time you get an inside look of Elvis's California Homes.This book is just stunning !!! Buy it ! Every fan should have this book in its collection - you'll have a lot of fun with it ! "

    " king of candid! "

    " superb book for a great prize! "

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Elvis, Elvis Presley, Graceland and Heartbreak Hotel are registered trademarks of EPE Inc. Praytome Publishing is not associated with Elvis Presley Enterprises in any way, shape or form.

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Elvis - Behind The Image - The Book - Vol. 1 - Praytome Publishing

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