"Elvis - Adrenaline '70" made an impact!
Shortly after the release of the DVD "Praytome Publishing" got numerous requests from Elvis fans worldwide if there would be further volumes of "Elvis - Adrenaline". After there were several short excerpts of the Las Vegas 1969 engagement in the documentary, the fans didn't want anything more than the release of the complete footage showing Elvis during his sensational stage comeback.
The fans and the world press agreed in one point: The documentary contained on the DVD was as good that the only bad thing was the short running time. But the producers didn't want to make such an elaborate work like "Elvis: Behind The Image Vol. 2".
"Elvis - Adrenaline" should only be great entertainment linked with well-founded background information to the shown 8mm footage. Thereby the time frame in Elvis's career at that point in time when these incomparable recordings were made should be highlighted. These requirements weren't only fulfilled but the result made the fans want MORE. We wanted to fulfill the wish of the fans. It was aimed at establishing a premium documentary, dealing with Elvis in Las Vegas but focusing the year 1971.
1971 is like a black whole. It is really astonishing how different the amount of material in the several years is. From some years we have got a lot of material and from others we have nearly nothing.
After detailed research the producers realized that 1971 was an extremely eventful and successful year. But the copyright situation makes it hard to report about the several events within a documentary. That's a bad point of departure if you want to create an exciting, informative movie with few material, and which shall have a longer running time than its predecessor.
First of all "Praytome Publishing" and the "Behind The Image" team created a concept which should use a little trick. It was planned to use a bigger time frame within the documentary.
After a long developing process first excerpts of the script by Gregor Retkowski and Nadine Schwenk were sent to Bud Glass. Bud should take the part of the narrator like in the first Volume "Elvis - Adrenaline '70". Bud's answer was "Hey do you want to remake "This Is Elvis" ? Bud was thrilled by the script but wanted to create a documentary which focused more on 1971 like the original concept.
Only one week later he sent a script which fulfilled all criteria. However, it took a whole year until the second part of the Las Vegas Anthology series saw the light of the day, due to the high requirements of the company had to be fulfilled. This - without any doubt - was realized for everyone's contentement.

The Documentary
So the creativity also had more range, but again original color elements, writings, logos and sound samples from 1971 were used to continue the ideology of the outfit. The first time you put the DVD into the player you will recognize after clicking through the interactive menu that it is a "sister" production.
Like with the "Behind The Image" series you recognize from the first second on where this production is from. Anyway, the producers can't act on the assumption that the viewer owns the first DVD or that he will buy it first. So you have to document Elvis's life story again diversified to lead the fan factually and thrillingly to the year 1971. You also have to consider that not only the interested Super8 fan buys the DVD but also a none-expert, a normal Elvis fan whom you have to offer enough knowledge in the documentary.

Like on the first DVD it should be shown in the documentary how Elvis came to this period of his career, here especially his experiences in 1971.

With the help of Nadine Schwenk and modern CGI technology a never before touched terrain was introduced into the Elvis DVD world: The first minutes were created as complex 3D animations whereas Elvis's career (until 1971) is shown.
Afterwards the actual status, that means Elvis's meaning nowadays with his successful chart entries in the CD and DVD area is being documented to get afterwards with the help of a spectacular time warp to the year 1971. That's where the actual documentary starts.
The year 1971 is highlighted detailed as never before, whereas the topic Las Vegas, which is also main topic of this DVD, doesn't get a raw deal. From the Jaycee's Award to a Christmas session in May, to the first Lake Tahoe Engagement, to secret marketing and promotion strategies of Colonel Tom Parker, which are documented here with never before seen original documents and contracts, to the Summer Festival 1971 until the concert tour which brought the year finally to an end for Elvis.
Like other products of "Praytome Publishing" & "Bud Glass Productions" this DVD proves a lot of clichés and lies about Elvis Presley which established over the years wrong. Watching this informative documentary the viewer learns impressively how thrilling and diversified Elvis Presley's life really was.
The several stations in Elvis's life are fascinating like a thriller, so that the several pieces appearing during a detailed research fit together like a big puzzle at the end. That means reverse that lies and gossip are totally needless to tell an exciting story about the king.
According to "Adrenaline '70" where Elvis tells his own life story the producers turned their attention to using a lot of rare and unreleased sound documents. In this connection statements of J.D. Sumner, Col. Parker, Jessie Presley and of course Elvis himself were used.
Concert Footage

Original DVD - Screenshot "Black Herringbone Suit"
While "Elvis - Adrenaline '70" shows only one concert and Elvis in only one jumpsuit, you can see in this release a handful of several stage costumes of Elvis in moving pictures. The viewer gets the complete available material just like in all other products, themed "all there is".
Despite the amount of the several concerts it's not short clips. In consideration of the fact that it is about 8mm footage the shown material is even exceptionally long and documents the several concerts in a comprehensive way.

Original DVD - Screenshots of "Elvis - Adrenaline"
Elvis during his legendary stage comeback 1969

The shown costumes are legendary. Legendary because there are only few information and few pictures of them. These rarities are therefore precious jewels, which come together for the first time on this Adrenaline DVD.
To these mega rare outfits belong the several "Cisco-Kid" jumpsuit variations. You all know this costume from the cover of the "He Touched Me" - LP.

The outfit that is known in the fan scene as the "English Lord - suit" is so rare that all pictures that have appeared in books until now were only screenshots of the here shown footage.
Really unique in the fanworld is the "Elvis Now" outfit.

The world has never seen something like this before. You wouldn't recognize the Elvis of 1969. After his 8 years of stage abstinence he appeared live again. And already in this period you can see the influence Karate had on Elvis. So in this footage are moves and "special moves", which let Elvis appear in his "Black Herringbone" like a real karate fighter.
For the first time excerpts were used in the "Adrenaline '70" documentary in a never before seen quality. By request and due to the lot of demands the producers have decided to release the uncut material of the legendary comeback engagement 1969 on this DVD as a special bonus. Especially valuable historically are the recordings due to this event not being documented by professional recordings yet.
The fans should thank Jean-Marc Gargiulo because due to him we have this unique and irrecoverable recordings. The "Praytome Publishing" - Team therefore is glad to be able to work together with Jean-Marc again, who was already contributing on "Adrenaline '70". The original reels were used in the known manner , and were scanned in the Bavaria Studios in Munich with the most modern laser technology. Only in this way it can be guaranteed that the complete information is being transferred on the DVD, and remains there forever without quality loss. The result of this expensive method is the legendary "Praytome Publishing" - quality: digitally transferred and crystal clear.
Bonus Features

They got a lot of encouragement for the "Making Of" - Creation of Dreams from the first Adrenaline - DVD. In this bonus feature the technological operations in the Bavaria Studios were explained, so the producers decided to make a "Creation of Dreams 2" Special.
Experience in this "Making Of" what the secret meeting in Paris is all about and which meaning this meeting had for the Elvis world. As additional feature this DVD offers the viewer an exclusive interview with the title "Jean-Marc Remembers", the person we owe this sensational recordings and a contemporary witness who was present live, when Elvis lined up in 1969 to revolutionize the Las Vegas Entertainment scene.
But there are even more bonus features. More surprises like for example the "Medley of Costumes" top the DVD off. Please understand that we don't go into the several bonus highlights detailed, but otherwise the surprise effect is gone.
Adrenaline '71 and other trailers of "Praytome Publishing" products
Of course the trailer for "Elvis - Adrenaline '71" is on this DVD. But also the trailer of the book "Elvis: Behind The Image - Welcome to His World" Vol.2, which was until now only available on the website is on this DVD for the first time in high quality.

A comment about the soundtrack
It also not possible to add original Elvis music to the film material because of the legal situation. Even if you would be allowed to add it, this possibility would not be the right solution for most of the recordings. This results from the fact that a reel had a capacity of 3 minutes. The person filming wanted to capture as much impressions as possible of the concert, so he or she filmed as much sequences as possible, which, however, only last a few seconds, due to the running time of the reel. If you tried to add music in lip synchronisation the resulting material would sound like a broken LP. Apart from that, y you could only use a small amount of the amateurish recorded live appearances for a so called "overdubbing". Even if the person filmed 3 or 4 reels per concert at that time, you would have to cut the concert of one hour down to 9 or rather 12 minutes what brings us back to the "effect of the broken LP.
If you eclipse the lip synchronisation, you could use Elvis songs as background music but then Elvis's moves totally wouldn't fit the music. It would all seem out of tempo and pretty strange to the fans and would make the pleasure smaller.
You have to see Super8 recordings as what they actually are: They enable us to experience Elvis in situations of different years, which wouldn't be available for us otherwise, because from the official side it was failed to make movie documents for the posterity. To cite only one example : if amateurs didn't film any footage of Elvis in 1975 we wouldn't even be able to see the star "live" in the according year.
We did not want to expect of the fan to watch a silent movie, so Bud Glass Productions decided for a different way. Instead of using barely fitting karaoke tracks or some kind of elevator music, like its common in cheap productions, the team used especially for this DVD composed songs, recorded in a studio by real musicians. For the first time ever you can find such a high quality music on a Elvis-collectors-DVD, which underlines the recordings stylishly and enjoyably.
During this production the "Drum-Roll" of Ronnie Tutt from "That's The Way It Is" was the musical guideline. Abutted at this musical theme the complete DVD and also the menu was designed. Whereas at the actual concert shots on Super 8 there was chosen complete different high quality music, which doesn't sound like typical Elvis music. Here an atmosphere should be created, which gives the viewer the opportunity, to lean back and relax a little and get caught and amazed by the visual.
The effect that the viewer who knows the series immediately feels at home, which was already achieved with the DVD "Behind The Image 2", was reproduced here. So the producers have several important songs from the first volume of Adrenaline adopted and complemented with more high quality songs. Especially for the background music of Adrenaline 70 we have received a lot of praise.
General Information on Trailers
Here we want to offer you the trailer to the according product you are interested in for download. Don't miss the trailers of our other releases. You find them on the left in the menu by clicking the desired product. Please note that the according trailers are always clips in the so called web quality (for faster downloading). So the quality does never show the quality of the DVD/book.
Of course you'll also find all available trailers in the bonus material section (on the medium DVD) in DVD quality.
A lot of costumers attested us in their numerous E-Mails and letters that the trailers are the best the existing in the Elvis world and some even said that only the trailers were worth the money for the DVD. Q.v. "In The Press"!
So now lean back and PUMP UP the volume of your speakers :-)
Information about the Adrenaline '71 - Trailer
Well, did this trailer take your breath away? For orders please use the menu on the left.
Print Media
Announcement in the "Essential Elvis" Magazine No. 39 (March/April 2005)
Announcement taken from the TheElvisMag No. 39 (March/April 2005) of the English Club "Essential Elvis"
If you are interested in a membership or want to get in contact with the club please use the following website for more information: www.essentialelvis.co.uk© 2005 by Essential Elvis
Review in the Spanish "Club Elvis" Magazine No. 54
DVD-Review taken from the Magazine No. 54 of the Spanish Club Elvis
If you are interested in a membership or want to get in contact with the club please use the following website address for more information:
Club Elvis
Aptdo de Correos 347
08910 Badalona (Barcelona)
93-4731311 (Joaquin Luque)
www.clubelvis.es.vg© 2006 by Club Elvis - Spain