In their publications "Praytome Publishing's" goal is always to show Elvis Presley's life and his career in a new light. All book productions and DVD documentaries exhibit a multiplicity of unknown facts which are explained for the first time in all details. An example for this would be the first-time presentation of his houses in California in the book / DVD "Elvis - Behind The Image Vol.1" or the detailed documentary DVD "Elvis - Adrenaline '71 ", which explores the rather unknown year 1971 for the first time comprehensively.
It is still amazing that thousands of book publications and hundreds of DVD documentaries not only dedicate themselves to already well-known facts but also repeating again and again by copying mutually themselves in their coverage.
One would have to assume that everything has already been said or written about the private man and entertainer Elvis Presley. Our productions prove that it is not like that. Also with this product we have to light up again an unknown chapter in the life of Elvis Presley and extinguish a further black hole: Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit.
Many years in research and meticulously detective work and further 18 months of production of this project have passed. This time everything is completely different.
Differently than with our past productions, which were announced for a long time, this time the silence had highest priority with this extreme and high controversial project. During the whole production and research no information was allowed to be announced. Each small detail was treated as "Top Secret".
Never before we had a more exciting production time than with the current product. This time we had to provide entrance to documents and facts where otherwise no-one had access to.
The details we experienced, we will not mention further. But we can tell this, at some points we were not sure if we could ever realize this project. The better informed Elvis fans know only a mere mentio of the Paternity Suit of Patricia Parker. Even the fact that this case had a strong media presence in the seventies, today the only way to get "information" about this case are the old yellow press magazines. These half-truths - often used in content with Elvis - are now written in books, Internet boards and other media.Rarely correct facts concerning this case are investigated carefully.
Knowing this, the producers wanted to present for the first time the true facts and background to one the most famous sex affairs in the history of music.For the first time all facts and background details will be shown as they really were. Various well-known procedures in Elvis' life, behaviors or expressions must be seen in a new light by regarding this extraordinary documentary.
Even earlier productions of "Praytome Publishing", which possibly are already in your collection will be seen with a different eye as this new "Paternity Suit" documentary will change your mind on certain topics.
It is interesting to observe in life how something as a seemingly insignificant incident or circumstance can put you in a place or situation you would not be in otherwise, and consequently put you in the path of others who directly or indirectly change the course of your life.
This Paternity Suit had an influence on Elvis' life, which was underestimated so far. After all, it was a legal and emotional roller coaster ride for Elvis, which should continue for six long years. The team of "Bud Glass Productions" and "Praytome Publishing" did not lose the goal of seeing Elvis Presley as a human being and we are proud to present an unusual documentary which completely changes the aspect on the man "Behind the Image".

For the very first time "Praytome Publishing" releases a DVD / Book combo-package.
For the very first time "Praytome Publishing" releases a DVD / Book combo-package.
The Realization Of The Product
The Book
A 100 pages, colored hardcover book with the exactly same unique high quality paper, which was called the best paper for books when Elvis - Born To Rock was released. Approved by the fans, the same printing method and the same kind of paper were used for the book Elvis - Behind The Image Vol. 2.
For "Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit" the print has again the same quality standard like the "National Geographic" magazines do. The cleaning and restoration of the pictures was done by a professional graphic artist. Due to the graphic artist mainly restores old pictures, the results are in the best quality you can possibly get. Just as the other releases, this book will get a protection glaze. This ensures that especially on pictures with dark areas, possible grease spots or finger prints don't remain on the pages. In that way you have even after several time of running over the pages, the impression of holding a completely new book in your hands.

Complaint to establish paternity of unborn child and to provide support"
August 14, 1970
Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles

"Order Requiring Parties to submit to Blood Tests"
Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles
"Order Requiring Parties to submit to Blood Tests"
Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles

Elvis and the Paternity Suit - hundreds of yellow press writers put Elvis and the Paternity Suit on the front of tabloid and movie magazines
Elvis and the Paternity Suit - hundreds of yellow press writers put Elvis and the Paternity Suit on the front of tabloid and movie magazines

Hidden camera photos - Elvis Presley and his entourage Patricia Parker and her son Peter Jason Presley arriving at Brentwood Laboratories - where first test to establish paternity were held
Hidden camera photos - Elvis Presley and his entourage Patricia Parker and her son Peter Jason Presley arriving at Brentwood Laboratories - where first test to establish paternity were held
On the DVD there is ultra rare footage - for example you see here Elvis' suite at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, where according to Patricia Parker, the child was conceived
The included DVD contains a full-length feature documentary, which could have definitely been our next product by itself. With a running time of 95 minutes we are pleased to continue our self set standards and give the fans more than the typical release.
Our philosophy "get more for your money" in terms of quality and content has proved right in the past and was thankfully accepted by the fans. So "Praytome Publishing" decided to do it just that way again.
Well-known attorney Paul Caruso from Hollywood and Patricia Parker in his office during the official press conference
Well-known attorney Paul Caruso from Hollywood and Patricia Parker in his office during the official press conference
The book and the DVD perfectly fit together and complement one another. Because of the high quality illustrations, and official documents and court records, the reader can dig even deeper and explore the documented facts of the case.
Jason Peter Presley's birth certificate, the Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital and Patricia Parker with her son.
Jason Peter Presley's birth certificate, the Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital and Patricia Parker with her son.
Trailer - "Paternity Suit" and other products of "Praytome Publishing"
The trailers all give an insight into the other products. They shall not only entertain but also top the DVD off. Because the producers have to act on the assumption that there are costumers, who explore the Praytome Publishing products for the first time, it is appropriate to put all available trailers on the DVD. The trailer, which are very popular are not only giving a little insight into other products, but they shall also be fun watching. And of course, the trailer for "Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit" is on this DVD as well.

Backstage before his evening performance at the Inglewood Forum in Los Angeles moments before the concert began, Elvis was visited in an official capacity by a court official regarding the Paternity suit and pending court hearings.
Backstage before his evening performance at the Inglewood Forum in Los Angeles moments before the concert began, Elvis was visited in an official capacity by a court official regarding the Paternity suit and pending court hearings.
Elvis' friend and private investigator John O' Grady plays an important role in the Paternity Suit Investigation. On stage, Elvis recites his book and loaded with emotions he tells the audience about his own point of view of the Paternity Suit.
Elvis' friend and private investigator John O' Grady plays an important role in the Paternity Suit Investigation. On stage, Elvis recites his book and loaded with emotions he tells the audience about his own point of view of the Paternity Suit.
A Comment on the Soundtrack
This product is a documentary and not a concert movie. It is about backgrounds and facts where Elvis Presley's music is not the main issue. Who is looking for something like that for entertainment is surely better off with the DVD releases "Aloha From Hawaii" or "Elvis - The '68 Comeback Special". However "Praytome Publishing" has spared no efforts to produce a first-class soundtrack. According to viewers at the first screening, the music emphasizes the moods within the documentary and gives the viewers goose bumps.

The famous polaroid of Patricia Parker & Elvis Presley
General Information on Trailers
And when the fan has the luck to get a clip on an Elvis production it is often cheap produced without love, what actually doesn't accord to the artist Elvis Presley. Here, the "Behind The Image Team" goes a different way. The trailer produced by them do not only advertise a product, but they were levied to an art form. They are unusual complex (q.v. the trailer of BTI 3 and the trailer of the book "Born To Rock") and show the love to the detail and the professionalism every product of "Bud Glass Productions" and Praytome Publishing has got. That's why the whole Elvis world is looking forward in advance to every new trailer giving an insight of the newest product.
Here we want to offer you the trailer to the according product you are interested in for download. Don't miss the trailers of our other releases. You find them on the left in the menu by clicking the desired product.
Please note that the according trailers are always clips in the so called web quality (for faster downloading). So the quality does never show the quality of the DVD/book.
Of course you'll also find all available trailers in the bonus material section (on the medium DVD) in DVD quality.
A lot of costumers attested us in their numerous E-Mails and letters that the trailers are the best the existing in the Elvis world and some even said that only the trailers were worth the money for the DVD. Q.v. "In The Press"!
So now lean back and PUMP UP the volume of your speakers :-)
Information about the Paternity Suit - Trailer
We were able to get the famous radio announcer Chuck O'Brien for this trailer, whose distinctive voice together with the costly music creates a similar atmosphere as on the DVD. By now you should have a lot of questions about the topic that this package "Paternity Suit" covers. Start your own research and order here.
Print Media
Review in the German "Elvis Club Berlin" Fanclub Magazine No. 134
DVD / Book Review taken from the magazine No. 134 by the German "Elvis Club Berlin"
If you are interested in a membership or want to get in contact with the club please use the following website address for more information:
Elvis Club Berlin e.V.
c/o Werner Strube
Postfach 16 02 09
10338 Berlin
Review by Nadine Steffens - Translation by Nadine SchwenkElvis Presley - Paternity Suit
At the end of 2006 Praytome Publishing released its latest product. This time it was not a book like "Born To Rock", nor a DVD like "Behind The Image". It was a premiere, because this time it was a combination of a book and a DVD.
Paternity Suit is not a common DVD either, or a book with a lot of pictures and very tense stories. Praytome Publishing reveals background information on a topic which was totally ignored until now. It is about the paternity suit Elvis was confronted with in 1970. I never would have thought, that it is possible to do a complete book - or in this case even a complete book and a DVD - on this topic. I was wrong.
The whole case lasted for more than 6 years in Elvis's life and was not such a small thing as most people thought. To write down the complete story of the book, would be too much. Shortly about the content: In 1970 a young woman named Patricia Parker visited the Elvis Opening Night on January 26th. She somehow managed it to go backstage and get a picture with Elvis. This picture was later the only evidence, the two of them ever met.
According to her statement Elvis invited her to his suite and seduced her, shortly after that she noticed that she was pregnant. During the seventh month of her pregnancy she assigned the famous lawyer Paul Caruso to her case. This should be the beginning of a 6 year fight if Elvis was the bodily father of the child or not.
A lot of background information is mentioned here for the first time, as for example, that they ambushed Elvis shortly before his concert on November 14th 1970, to serve him the court papers. I also didn't know that after Patricia Parker Elvis only allowed photos with his fans, when one of his bodyguards stood in the background. This was a safety measure , so nobody could later claim she was alone with Elvis and to avoid further freeloaders. But these are not the only things you learn in this DVD. If you think back and see the lots of covers of the yellow press you can understand why Elvis talked so bad about the press (TV gossip magazine) in the famous Desert Storm concert. He made it public so that certain persons (maids among others) who had spread rumors about him, noticed that he was very well aware of it. Knowing that, I see this concerts differently than before.
What fascinates me about the book is that everything that is written in it is proved with court documents and/or pictures. Blood tests, polygraph tests, even the envolvement of a former NBC employee, who had worked on the 68 Comeback Special, you get everything and it is no fiction.
Praytome Publishing managed it once more to do a detailed research and to come up with results based on facts, instead of repeating the common lies and rumors, as it is unfortunately done so often. I am amazed of the professionalism and the will to report about facts instead of legends. In addition you get great candids (the famous hidden camera pictures) and never before heard audio comments of Elvis himself.
The book is correspondingly thick and the quality of the paper is outstanding. No fingerprints remain on the pages. The combination is very succesful. What I also liked was the fact that the DVD included for the first time German subtitles. This is important for this kind of material, because not everybody can speak English. I would recommend this combination to every fan who is interested in Elvis as a private person. In my opinion it belongs to the household of every fan. To the ones saying "I'm only interested in the musician" : this case has also accompanied Elvis on stage.
And last but not least: I have also friends that are not Elvis fans. They have watched the DVD as interested as I did. So it is not only for die-hard fans.© 2007 by Elvis Club Berlin
Advertisement in the German "Graceland" Magazine No. 173
Book/DVD-Advertisement taken from the "Graceland" Magazine No. 173 (March/April 2007) of the German "Elvis Presley Society"
If you are interested in a membership or want to get in contact with the club please use the following website for more information:© 2007 by Elvis Presley Gesellschaft
World Wide Web
U.S. Magazine "Goldmine" April 2007
© 2007 by Goldmine